BOQU’s MLSS Meter – Perfect for Water Quality Analysis

Water quality analysis is a critical aspect of managing and maintaining various industrial processes and environmental systems. One essential parameter in this analysis is the measurement of Mixed Liquor Suspended Solids (MLSS). To accurately monitor and control MLSS, it’s crucial to have reliable instruments at your disposal. One such instrument is BOQU’s MLSS Meter, which is designed to offer precision and versatility in measuring MLSS.

Science Behind MLSS Meters: How They Calculate Mixed Liquor Suspended Solids

Before we dive into the details of BOQU’s MLSS Meter, it’s essential to grasp the science behind these instruments and why MLSS measurement is vital. Mixed Liquor Suspended Solids (MLSS) is a crucial parameter in wastewater treatment and environmental monitoring. MLSS refers to the concentration of solid particles suspended in a mixed liquor, typically found in biological treatment processes like activated sludge systems.

The MLSS Meter functions by quantifying the concentration of these suspended solids in a liquid sample, typically measured in milligrams per liter (mg/L). The accuracy of this measurement is paramount because it influences the efficiency of wastewater treatment processes, ensuring that the right balance of microorganisms and solids is maintained.

Accurate MLSS measurements enable operators to make informed decisions regarding the treatment process, such as adjusting aeration rates or chemical dosing. BOQU’s MLSS Meter offers a reliable way to achieve these measurements with a high level of precision.

Comparing MLSS Meters: Which Model Is Right for Your Application?

MLSS meters are designed to measure the concentration of suspended solids in a water sample. Suspended solids are tiny particles that remain suspended in water, affecting their clarity and overall quality. Monitoring the MLSS concentration is vital in applications such as wastewater treatment plants, industrial processes, and environmental monitoring. BOQU offers a range of MLSS meters, each tailored to suit different environments and requirements.

1. Industrial Turbidity & TSS Meter: BOQU’s MLSS Meter

The industrial turbidity and TSS (Total Suspended Solids) meter by BOQU is a robust and reliable instrument designed for heavy-duty applications. This model is specifically engineered for use in industrial settings, where water quality monitoring is critical to maintaining production efficiency and environmental compliance. With its durable construction and high accuracy, this MLSS meter can withstand the harsh conditions of industrial processes.

One of the standout features of the industrial MLSS meter is its ability to provide real-time data, enabling prompt adjustments and ensuring optimal water quality throughout the production cycle. Additionally, its user-friendly interface makes it easy for operators to use and interpret the results, making it a valuable tool for maintaining and improving water quality in industrial applications.

mlss meter

2. Laboratory & Portable Turbidity & TSS Meter: BOQU’s MLSS Meter

For those in laboratory or field settings, BOQU offers a laboratory and portable turbidity and TSS meter. This model is a versatile and compact solution for researchers and professionals who need to assess water quality on the go or in controlled environments. The portable design makes it easy to carry to various sample locations, whether it’s a remote field site or a laboratory bench.

Despite its portability, the laboratory and portable MLSS meter doesn’t compromise on accuracy. It provides precise measurements, making it an ideal choice for research and environmental monitoring applications. The ease of use and quick results also make it a valuable tool for those who need to analyze water quality at multiple locations or conduct experiments in the field.

3. Online Turbidity & TSS Sensor: BOQU’s MLSS Meter

In applications where continuous monitoring of water quality is essential, the online turbidity and TSS sensor by BOQU is the perfect choice. This model is designed to be integrated into a water treatment system, allowing for real-time monitoring and immediate response to any fluctuations in water quality. It’s an indispensable tool for wastewater treatment plants, drinking water facilities, and other operations that require ongoing monitoring and control of suspended solids.

The online sensor offers automated data transmission, making it easy to integrate with a centralized control system. This streamlines the monitoring process and ensures that any deviations from the desired water quality parameters are detected and addressed promptly. As a result, it helps maintain the efficiency and effectiveness of the water treatment process.

BOQU’s TBG-2087S MLSS Meter: Features and Specifications

BOQU, a renowned manufacturer of analytical instruments, offers the TBG-2087S MLSS Meter, a high-quality solution for measuring MLSS. Let’s explore some of its key features and specifications:

1. Model No: TBG-2087S: This model is designed for accuracy and reliability in MLSS measurement.

2. Output: 4-20mA: The 4-20mA output signal is widely used for process control, ensuring compatibility with most control systems.

3. Communication Protocol: Modbus RTU RS485: This protocol enables digital communication and real-time data transmission, enhancing the instrument’s utility.

4. Measure Parameters: TSS, Temperature: The meter not only measures Total Suspended Solids (TSS) but also includes temperature measurement, providing additional valuable data.

5. Features: IP65 Protection Grade: The instrument is built to withstand challenging environmental conditions with its IP65 protection grade. It can handle a wide power supply range of 90-260 VAC, making it versatile for various applications.

6. Application: The TBG-2087S is suitable for a range of applications, including power plants, fermentation processes, tap water treatment, and industrial water quality analysis.

7. Warranty Period: 1 year: BOQU stands by the quality of its MLSS Meter with a one-year warranty, ensuring peace of mind for users.

Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Measurement: BOQU’s MLSS Meter

While the primary focus of the MLSS Meter is to measure MLSS, it’s essential to understand the concept of Total Suspended Solids (TSS), as it plays a crucial role in water quality analysis. TSS is a measurement of the mass of suspended solids in water and is reported in milligrams of solids per liter of water (mg/L). It’s vital in assessing water quality, especially in industries where the presence of suspended solids can impact processes and the environment.

The most accurate method of determining TSS involves filtering and weighing a water sample. This method, however, can be time-consuming and challenging due to the precision required and potential errors from the filter used.

Suspended solids can be divided into two categories: true solution and suspended. Suspended solids are small and light enough to stay in suspension due to factors like turbulence caused by wind and wave action. Coarse solids settle quickly when turbulence decreases, but very small particles with colloidal properties can remain suspended for extended periods.

Distinguishing between suspended and dissolved solids can be somewhat arbitrary. For practical purposes, a glass fiber filter with 2 μ openings is often used to separate dissolved and suspended solids. Dissolved solids pass through the filter, while suspended solids are retained.

BOQU’s TBG-2087S MLSS Meter not only measures MLSS but also TSS, making it a versatile tool for comprehensive water quality analysis.


BOQU’s MLSS Meter, the TBG-2087S, is a reliable instrument that offers precision and versatility in measuring Mixed Liquor Suspended Solids (MLSS) and Total Suspended Solids (TSS). Its robust design, Modbus communication protocol, and compatibility with various applications make it an excellent choice for water quality analysis in industries such as power plants, fermentation processes, tap water treatment, and industrial water. With a one-year warranty, users can trust in its performance and accuracy, ensuring effective control and monitoring of their processes. In summary, BOQU’s MLSS Meter is a valuable tool for those seeking precise and efficient water quality analysis.

Post time: Nov-12-2023